Here I Am, No. 1
Here I Am, No. 1
8x10x3/4” (horizontal) original acrylic painting on canvas
This is the first home where I have had the amazing surprise of growing peonies in my yard. I say “surprise” because they weren’t blooming when we moved in and the remains (stalks or stems) hadn’t been watered in so long that I couldn’t really tell what they were (or had been). So when I saw the first signs that I might have peony plants last spring, I was thrilled! But man, as I watched the rest of country share their peony blooms, we were still wearing heavy coats, here in Montana. My turn finally came in late June and it was glorious.
So this year, I knew what was coming. I knew what the first sprouts of my peony plants looked like, I knew which ones were a softer pale pink and which ones were bright. I walked by our flower bed and checked on the round, growing buds, anticipating their bloom.
They are opening as I type, with more buds becoming blooms each day and are the sweetest reminder in a season of waiting. Things do not stay the same. And that’s comforting. Seasons do indeed change. Buds do (with watering and sun) become blooms.
Waiting on our house to sell has felt like watching the rest of the world in full bloom, making plans for their summer and even fall as I wondered if we would move. We’re literally in the middle of negotiating an offer on our home. It may fall through, or it may turn into the news we have been hoping for, but here’s what I know: God always keeps His promises. Now, I don’t have a promise that my house will sell, but I have the promise that he works all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to his purposes. And so I’ll just watch my peonies from this porch in this town with contentment until it’s time to move on.
Here I am: true for my peonies who finally announced their glory, like gleeful children playing peek-a-boo.
Here I am: true for my family, who knows that we’re here for now.
Here I Am: true for my God who is with us and is known by that amazing name.